

Competition for the direction of the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca

Competition for the direction of the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca
bonart palm - 07/06/23

The position to direct the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca is open to competition. Candidates who wish to apply for the position have until July 13, 2023 to submit their application.

It has been 7 years since Francisco Copado Carralero was elected as the new managing director of the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca. In February 2016, the members of the Foundation's Governing Committee ratified the choice made by the Selection Committee, made up of experts from the world of art and representatives of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

It should be noted that Francisco Copado Carralero was chosen in 2016, among others, for his proposal for comprehensive management of the Foundation. On this occasion, the requirements that the future director of the Foundation will have to meet and prove are to have a track record and demonstrable experience in cultural management, direction or management of museums, art centers or cultural spaces. Accredit knowledge of modern and contemporary art and have C1 level knowledge of the Catalan and English languages.

Candidates who wish to apply for the position have time to submit their application until July 13, 2023. They must submit their applications Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Miró Mallorca Foundation headquarters ( C. de Saridakis, 29. 07015, Palma. Balearic Islands). It is also possible to send the required documentation by certified mail, taking into account the supporting date of the post office.

In order to determine who will lead the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca in the near future, a Selection Committee has been formed which will be in charge of determining the profile and the person who will lead the institution when the selection process started on June 1, 2023. This committee of experts and members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is made up on this occasion by:

1.- Mària Vallés Segura, manager of the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona.

2.- Josep Massot Ramis d'Ayreflor, writer, cultural journalist and member of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

3.- Tonina Cerdà Ripoll, head of public programs at the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.

4.- Manuel Borja Villel, Art Historian, curator and former director of the Antoni Tàpies Foundation, Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona and Museu Nacional Centro d'Art Reina Sofia.

6.- Joan Punyet Miró. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Miró Foundation and Succession.

The rules can be read in BOIB No. 72 / June 1, 2023 / Fascicle 161 – Sec. II. – Page 32117.

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