2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Editor and curator Tristàn Barberà dies

Editor and curator Tristàn Barberà dies
bonart barcelona - 25/04/23

The renowned graphic editor and exhibition curator Tristàn Barberà died last week in the city of Barcelona. The great names of Spanish and Catalan art of the last fifty years passed through his study and he was considered a point of reference in the field of art. In the last years of his life, Tristàn worked at his publisher "Tristan Barbarà Editions" located at Avenida República Argentina, number 46 in Barcelona and had participated in the last editions of the ArtsLibris Fair in Barcelona and Madrid. For its part, the Eude Gallery in Barcelona has informed that for the month of June it plans to pay tribute to the publisher on the occasion of his death.

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