2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


"A yard in the head" by Manuel Moranta in Can Roure

"A yard in the head" by Manuel Moranta in Can Roure
bonart lobster - 07/04/23

Until April 15, you can visit the temporary exhibition of Manuel Moranta (Tarragona, 1979) A patio in the head at the Can Roure exhibition hall in Llagostera.

This exhibition, which is included in the program of activities of the Arrima't de poesia Festival in Llagostera, aims to explain the world through the delimited spaces and isolated parts of the body. Somehow he feels his head, his arms, his eyes, his legs against the rooms, the yards, the drawers, the empty swimming pools. In short, the body against the geometry.

Moranta's work focuses on conceptualization, argumentation and synthesis. He also writes and paints aphorisms in which the word gives up half of its country to the drawing. This language serves him to explain universal ideas from insignificant things.

Currently, Moranta works with Chinese ink, acrylic, stone and wood. It is expressed in a primitive style that seeks the maximum synthesis. It mixes anecdote, humor, conceptual drawing and the world of signs.

Eude, genericthumbnail_arranzbravo. general 04-2014

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