

The Viladecans Museum hosts the exhibition "Fontseré and committed posterism (1931-1939)"

The Viladecans Museum hosts the exhibition "Fontseré and committed posterism (1931-1939)"
bonart villadecans - 04/04/23

The Viladecans Museum opens on April 13 the exhibition Fontseré and committed posterity (1931-1939) which can be visited until June 2, 2023. The common thread of the exhibition is the memory of each of the posters that Fontserè left in the book Memoirs of a Catalan poster artist (1931-1939), contextualized with the exhibition of documentary evidence of the period preserved by the National Archives of Catalonia (photo reproductions, textual documents, posters by other artists, etc.). The exhibition includes the 22 posters that Fontserè drew during the thirties of the 20th century, most of them following the civil war, when he was between 16 and 22 years old.

The revolution of July 1936, the commitment to crush fascism and win the war, the front and the rear or the solidarity campaigns are the predominant themes of a poster committed to republican and left-wing values. The three posters of the Anti-Aircraft Defense unit of the Army of the Republic are the last posters that Fontserè made before starting the path of exile.

On April 25 at 7 p.m. a talk-colloquium will take place by Lluís Costa, full professor at the University of Girona entitled Posterism or the symbiosis between art and propaganda in the first third of the 20th century.


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