

The Catalan Art Critic Association celebrates the 39th edition of the ACCA Awards

The Catalan Art Critic Association celebrates the 39th edition of the ACCA Awards
bonart barcelona - 31/03/23

The Catalan Association of Art Criticism celebrated, on the evening of March 29, the 39th edition of the ACCA Awards, a competition with which the Catalan Association of Art Criticism (ACCA) recognizes the work done in the world of art Catalonia during the past 2022. Thirty candidates, divided into six categories, aspired to take home one of the awards.

Winning projects:

ACCA Prize for Art Criticism: Eva Vázquez , for the set of articles published in 2022 in El Punt Avui.

The other candidate projects in this category were: From walks through limbos, book written by Anna Adell and published by Wunderkammer; Higo Mental, critical thinking platform created by Ricardo Pérez-Hita and Marta Sesé; Mirades Parlades, art podcast promoted by the Blueproject Foundation and the independent project Pas une Orange; Ràdio Africa Magazine, cultural platform for critical thinking founded by Tania Safura.

ACCA Award for Research: Visionary Women Art , independent research group on spirituality and feminism, led by the art critic and historian Pilar Bonet Julve and linked to the Josefa Tolrà Association in Barcelona.

The other candidate projects in this category were: Emergent Art: The harvest and the journey, a book written by David Armengol and published by the publishing house Univers; Humberto Rivas: Buenos Aires / Barcelona or the renewal of Spanish photography (1970-2000), book written by José A. Aristizábal and published by the publishing house Casimiro Libros; The material imagination, book written by Andrea Soto Calderón and published by the Metales Pesados publishing house; Repair manuals and cosmic sounds. Self-publishing to heal the entire universe, expanded exhibition curated by Magui Dávila and Maite Muñoz at the MACBA-Museu d'Art Contemporani in Barcelona.

ACCA Prize for the Curation of Contemporary Art : History of the Hands, traveling exhibition curated by Alexandra Laudo, with the support of the Diputació de Barcelona.

The other candidate projects in this category were: Bleda i Rosa, exhibition curated by Marta Dahó, starring the artist collective Bleda i Rosa and held at KBr Fundació Mapfre in Barcelona; The next mutation, curated by Xavier Acarín at CaixaForum Barcelona (here is a related article published on by Acarín); Redonda Redonda, monographic exhibition of the artist Alberto Peral, curated by Jorge Satorre at the Art Center Tecla Sala in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat; Silly Symphony, installation by Martín Vitaliti, presented by Pere Llobera at the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona.

ACCA Award to the Commissariat of a historical nature: Another purpose. The rest, exhibition curated by Nora Ancarola and Amanda Cuesta at the Born – Barcelona Culture Centre.

The other candidate projects for this category were: The bet of new art. Itineraries of the avant-garde in Catalonia through the Rafael and Maria Teresa Santos Torroella fund, exhibition curated by Rosa Gutiérrez Herranz and Jaume Vidal Olivera at the Girona History Museum; Luis Claramunt Shipwrecks and Storms, exhibition curated by Sílvia Martínez Palou and Àlex Susanna at the Espais Volart of the Vila Casas Foundation in Barcelona; if i could Anna Manel·la (1950-2019), exhibition curated by Maria Lluïsa Faxedas, held at the Museu de la Garrotxa in Olot; Shocks and words: Miró and 10 Catalan poets of today, exhibition curated by Vicenç Altaió and Blanca Llum Vidal, at the Mayoral Gallery in Barcelona.

ACCA Award for Artistic Projects and Initiatives: Daniel Giralt-Miracle , for the donation of his fund which, since the eighties, has been realized by twenty museums and institutions in the country.

The other candidate projects in this category were: A*Desk Critical Thinking, the International and Independent Institute of Criticism and Contemporary Art, founded in 2002; Bar Project, curatorial initiative in motion founded in 2013 by Andrea Rodríguez Novoa, Veronica Valentini and Juan Canela (until 2021); Como Edicions, for the set of art books included in the catalog of this publisher founded by Octavi Aballí and Pau Ardid; Espais C, the educational program that introduces contemporary art to school, promoted by the Barcelona Education Consortium, the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with the coordination and mediation of Experimentem with the Art.

ACCA Spaces Award: Lo Pati (Amposta) , public art center opened in 2010 and directed by Aida Boix in Terres de l'Ebre.

The other candidate projects in this category were: Bombon Projects (Barcelona), contemporary art gallery co-directed by Joana Roda and Bernat Daviu; Cordova (Barcelona), non-profit multidisciplinary artistic space, founded and directed by Cory John Scozzari; Cultural Rizoma (Celrà), non-profit cooperative founded by Rita Andreu Vaquer and Olga Taravilla Baquero, which carries out projects focused on research, production, mediation and dissemination of culture and contemporary creation; Half House (Barcelona), meeting place for artists promoted in 2009 by Alberto Peral and Sinéad Spelman.

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