

The Cultural Community is expanding to promote cultural policies close to citizens

The Cultural Community is expanding to promote cultural policies close to citizens
bonart barcelona - 13/01/23

The Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga, has chaired the meeting of the Council of the Cultural Commonwealth with the participation of the new institutional members after its expansion process. The representatives of Barcelona City Council, the Council of Local Governments, the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia (FMC), the Catalan Association of Municipalities and Counties (ACMC) and the Association of Small Towns of Catalonia ( MdC). Previously, the Department of Culture of the Generalitat and the Provincial Councils of Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona and Lleida were part of it.

The Cultural Commonwealth is a body of cultural cooperation between the different administrations, with the aim of coordinating and putting together the different cultural policies that are carried out throughout the territory, in order to provide the best possible service to citizens. The new additions strengthen this aspect of public service and allow the field of action to be expanded so that it can have a positive impact on the country's culture.

During the development of the meeting, the Minister of Culture Natàlia Garriga pointed out that one of the objectives of the Government of the Generalitat in this legislature is to build a cultural system of reference, and that to do so cooperation and coordination of policies is essential cultural with the local world, due to the proximity to the citizens of the action of the councils and councils. He also highlighted the importance of spending in the cultural field carried out by the local world and insisted on the need to maintain this level and increase it progressively in parallel with the effort being made by the Department of Culture, made that all institutions and entities have responded positively.

Of the agreements made during today's session, it is worth noting:

  1. The development of a technological platform that facilitates access to information on cultural grants and subsidies offered in Catalonia.
  2. Advance in the study for the concertation of programming of subsidies to the local world, prioritizing the heritage area, so that the grants from the Department of Culture and local councils share bases and management mechanisms, with the aim of simplifying financing of the cultural projects of the councils, professional and institutional.

It has also been reported on the progress achieved through the different working groups created by the Cultural Commonwealth:

  1. Start of work for the structuring and coordination of the Public System of Visual Arts Equipment in Catalonia.
  2. Renewal and increase of support for stage and musical programming through the and multi-year call 2022-2024
  3. Implementation of the new public library card with a common brand and design
  4. Forecast of incorporation of the deputations of Lleida and Tarragona in the Consortium for Linguistic Standardization
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