

Presentation of the book "La premsa comarcal" by Lluís Costa

Presentation of the book "La premsa comarcal" by Lluís Costa
bonart girona - 16/12/22

On the occasion of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Regional Press Association of Catalonia (ACPC), on December 12 at 4:00 p.m. it was presented at the Barri Vell Library of the Faculty of Letters of UdG the book "The county press: the memory of everyday life in Catalonia" by UdG professor Lluís Costa.

As the professor emeritus of the UPF, professor Josep M. Casasús, explains in the foreword of the book "The regional press in the most natural and integrating territorial sense is, as the author of the book, professor Lluís Costa, says, the memory of everyday life in Catalonia. It is a heritage that affirms a well-rooted tradition and that is now gaining new momentum with digital platforms that are progressing together with printed formats. Both mutually benefit from benefits inherent in the nature of the support: the immediacy of reception and ubiquitous accessibility of the electronic offer, and the lightness of weight and the speed to turn pages that paper allows. Once again, Lluís Costa excels in the interpretation of general Catalan history through the press. Based on quantitative and qualitative analyses, it traces the evolution of the type of local and regional press that has resisted all kinds of political and economic threats for two centuries. It has resisted perhaps because of the fact of moving in spaces with feelings of community that generate complicity in self-defense, mutual aid and collective pride and courage".

The presentation of the book at the UdG consisted of a round table between the president of the demarcation of Girona of the College of Journalists, Jordi Grau, and the author of the book. Mainly the past, present and future of the regional press was debated, and several members of the public, mainly students of the Cultural Communication Degree of the Faculty of Arts, intervened.

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