

Casa Bofarull, in the Pallaresos, declared BCIN in the Historical Monument category

Casa Bofarull, in the Pallaresos, declared BCIN in the Historical Monument category
bonart the palleresos - 18/10/22

The Government has approved, at the proposal of the Minister of Culture, to declare Casa Bofarull, in the Pallaresos, in the region of Tarragonès, a Cultural Asset of National Interest, in the category of Historical Monument, and to delimit its protection environment. The Government thus establishes the mechanisms to effectively protect the Historical Monument and grant it the highest category of recognition as one of the most important assets in Catalonia.

The Bofarull House is a manor building, from the 14th century, which was shaped over time. Between 1913 and 1933, the modernist architect Josep Maria Jujol designed and executed an intervention, which precisely gives the building its uniqueness.

The Bofarull sisters, owners of the house, commissioned Jujol in 1913, in addition to the restoration of the roof, a comprehensive reform of the farmhouse with two purposes: to provide it with new complementary uses necessary for the daily operation of the farmhouse, and bring it up to date with an interior renovation. From here, Jujol puts into operation all the creative imagination linked to the rural world and the characteristic landscape of Camp de Tarragona: the chromaticism of light in each season of the year, the tools and implements of forging, the fields of vines, insects and nature itself.

The two most relevant interventions that Jujol made to the farmhouse were: the southern facade in neo-Mossarabian style, with a running gallery that presides over the fields of vineyards, and the intervention in the lookout tower crowned with an angel of the guard.

The intervention maintained the characteristics of the traditional Catalan farmhouse. Specifically, and from the idea of aggregation over time of the constructions intervened by the architect Jujol, the following buildings are considered monuments: the initial manor house with its garage; the administrator's house; the house of temporary harvesters; the oil mill and the laundry, and the stable.

Casa Bofarull has furniture that is linked to the property: doors, kitchen furniture, fireplaces, benches, lamps, dressing table, chairs, sewing furniture, sofas, chaise longue, magazine racks and wall lamps.

The delimitation of the protection environment around the Bofarull House allows to guarantee the conservation of the site and its immediate environment and to ensure its control and coherence, with the inclusion of the estates that are in contact with the monument, either physically or visual

It is about preventing the alteration of this environment, understood as the space that provides environmental support to the good, from affecting the values, the contemplation or the study of the monument. For this reason, among other aspects, it is necessary in this area to ensure the correct visualization of the property and the harmonious integration of the possible buildings, installations or uses that may be established there in the future.

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