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Rafael Mason A comic life

Rafael Mason A comic life
bonart girona - 10/10/22

Iván García and Josep Pastells are the authors of the biographical volume Rafael Masó, architect. The life and work of the important 20th century creator. The comic about Rafael Masó (Girona, 1880-1935) was born on the initiative of Iván García, who obtained a Kreas grant from the Girona City Council to carry out the project and proposed to Pastells to share the adventure, which finally it has come to fruition thanks to the publishing house Llibres del Segle, without any other comic book in its catalog. The resulting book, of 48 pages, which was presented at the Farinera Teixidor in Girona, one of the most emblematic buildings in Masó and former headquarters of El Punt Avui.

A comic life

One of Rafael Masó Valentí's great-grandsons listens from his bed, spellbound, to the story of his great-grandfather, a versatile artist considered one of the most outstanding Catalan architects of the 20th century. The story retraces the most important moments in Masó's life, including civic and political activity, his passage through the dungeon during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, his friendship with Prudenci Bertrana and Fidel Aguilar and previously unpublished details of the courtship with Esperança Bru, who despite her father's opposition would end up becoming his wife. It also shows the formative trips to Europe, the different stages as an architect, the main works he designed and his desire to change the urban face of Girona.

Iván García , born in Rubí in 1975, raised in Girona and currently resident in Mallorca, is a self-taught comics author and illustrator. With a script by Josep Pastells, he has published the comic Ferrater Mora, philosopher (Documenta Universitaria) and, with his own script, Por un puñado de drachmas (Grafito Editorial). He regularly contributes to the Revista de Girona.

Josep Pastells Mascort (La Creueta, Quart, 1966) is a journalist and writer. Graduated in Information Sciences, currently coordinates the Revista de Girona. He has published ten novels, three short story collections, a children's story in English with drawings by Lluís Lloret, a comic book illustrated by Iván García and a journalistic study on the Carlemany Forum.

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