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"A cau d'orella" by Xavi Lloses at the Valvi Foundation

"A cau d'orella" by Xavi Lloses at the Valvi Foundation
bonart girona - 27/09/22

On September 21 at 7 pm, the installation entitled A cau d'orella by Xavi Lloses (Lleida, 1976) was inaugurated at the Valvi Foundation in Girona. This is the first time that Lloses exhibits in Girona. In this show, speakers are displayed hanging on the walls with very loose messages that force the viewer to put their ear close to the speaker. You can also appreciate photographs of other performances and poetic actions by Lloses with sentences that accompany them and that talk about the subject of music.

On the other hand, you can also appreciate some pieces that do have sound, such as a disco ball that rolls and makes some gongs sound on skateboards, a piece that is made up of bells and a spectacular exhibition of 130 radios in the room great of the Valvi Foundation.

Xavi Lloses, conceptual artist and musician

By a series of life circumstances, Lloses was pushed into the world of music. He studied and began his professional career in a fruitful and satisfactory way.

At the same time, he carried out different personal projects and has always worked with multiple languages, disciplines or projects at the same time. He has collaborated with powerful directors and scenographers, with ambitious projects, unclassifiable artists, and visionary poets where "I learned that everything is a seed, and what doesn't bloom in you, will bloom in another," said the musician. Lloses also explained that "all of this has led me to experience music, sound and vibration, as a universal force, and to write music that cannot be heard, but that fills you much more than any music you can hear , as long as you tune the frequency and get in tune".

This exhibition can be visited until November 5, 2022 from Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the evening.


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