

The Les Bernardes Cultural Center opens four exhibitions simultaneously

The Les Bernardes Cultural Center opens four exhibitions simultaneously
bonart salt - 19/09/22

On September 16 at 7:30 p.m., 4 exhibitions were opened simultaneously at the Les Bernardes Cultural Center in Salt. Of the total of eight rooms, divided into three floors, the most outstanding is the one that refers to the Catalan founder of the Moulin Rouge in the Berta Casas Room and the church room; Red Line, by Edgar Massegú; Cecilismus by Rai Escalé and Voices of company, which is curated by Glòria Bosch.

The Moulin Rouge exhibition explores Josep Oller's relationship with Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) and Jane Avril (1868-1943), the can-can dancer who appears on the painter's advertising posters, largely commissioned by Oller, in which friendship has as background the stage of the Moulin Rouge.

In the Sant Jordi room, you can visit the Edgar Massegú Red Line exhibition, in which the artist makes the visitor reflect on the deeper aspects, such as the connections between what is micro and what is macro , that is, everything that our eyes cannot see with the naked eye, but it also deals with other topics such as climate change, the limits of democracy, etc...

On the other hand, in Sala La Taiala, you can visit the exhibition curated by Glòria Bosch Voices of company, which would represent a border space with interpretation guidelines that are reconnected between the separate materials of an archive. The exhibition is shaped by traces of conversations, experiences, looks, works, reflections, references, echoes, etc... in other words, a past that reconnects what lives separately and in the shadows, but also an exercise to share those company voices of authors such as Margarita Andreu, Isabel Banal, Natividad Navalon, Assumpció Mateu, Jo Milne, Carme Sanglas and Tura Sanglas.

The fourth exhibition is that of Rai Escalé entitled Cecilismus. Rai Escalé is a painter and visual artist who has lived in Alt Camp for some time. He has exhibited in Europe and the United States and is a member of the Miroir Noir painting group with Milos Kopák since 2007 and founder and artistic director of the artistic platform Eat Meat Gallery, in Barcelona, from 2009 to 2014.

In this show, Escalé has worked on collections in the spirit of Cecilia, which is the Aragonese neostyle of plastic adjustment or correction applied to the masterpieces of history. The creator of this style is Cecilia Giménez. The main objective of Cecilism is to improve everything that is deteriorated, update it and correct it in a fun way. According to Escalé "repainting these paintings transports me to my "paintcollage" days despite the fact that the intervention is something that is more elaborate".

These four exhibitions can be visited until November 12 this year and visiting hours are from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m.: 00 to 20:00 in the evening.


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