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"Natural magic" by de Leonor Serrano Rivas at the Reina Sofía Museum

"Natural magic" by de Leonor Serrano Rivas at the Reina Sofía Museum
bonart madrid - 19/09/22

The Reina Sofia Museum presents, from September 21 to February 27, Natural Magic by de Leonor Serrano Rivas, the new project she has produced specifically for the Fisures Program of the Reina Sofia Museum. The exhibition is organized around three spaces of the Museum - Space 1, Sala de Voltes and Sala de Protocol - and takes us to the middle of the 16th century, a time when the scientific method, magic and philosophy shared multitude of terms and interests. Thus, this exhibition proposes a new reality with its own logic and rules, which flows and articulates the different rooms through a constant dialogue of spatial practices and temporalities, where an illusionist mechanism located within the body unfolds -or of the eye— of the spectator.

Space 1 hosts a large video projection that exceeds the limits of the screen to insert the visitor, who becomes part of the scene. The Sala de Voltes, in a game of material translations, hosts a projection in 16 mm that, reflected, crosses its architecture. Finally, the carpeting of the Sala de Protocol becomes a large jacquard tapestry, made with the patterns of the soundtrack of the video work that floods the Sala de Voltes.


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