

"Jordi Sierra and Fabra. 50 years creating stories" at Palau Robert

"Jordi Sierra and Fabra. 50 years creating stories" at Palau Robert
bonart barcelona - 12/09/22

Palau Robert opens on September 13 at 6 p.m. the Jordi Sierra and Fabra exhibition. 50 years creating stories about the writer Jordi Sierra and Fabra, curated by Hortènsia Galí and Jordi Bianciotto based on a project by the Enderrock Group.

Jordi Sierra i Fabra is one of the Catalan writers who enjoys greater international recognition, and from the beginning he has maintained his goal of writing freely and of helping young people find their creative path and future as writers.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of his first book, the groundbreaking Historia de la música pop: 1962-1972 (Edunisa, 1972), coinciding with his 75th birthday. The passion for music led him to work as a music journalist in publications such as El Gran Musical, Disco Expres, Popular 1, Top Magazine, Extra or Súper Pop, in addition to being a founding member of some of these magazines, which they were pioneers at the state level.

The career of Jordi Sierra and Fabra includes nearly six hundred books of children's and youth literature, novels, poetry, encyclopedias and books on the history of pop music, among others. La seva obra ha estat editada en castellà i català i posteriorment traduïda a més de 30 idiomes: gallec, euskera, anglès, francès, italià, xinès, alemany, portuguès, coreà, japonès, polonès, txec, rus, grec, turc, etc . In total, he has sold more than fifteen million books.


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