

Quart wants to seal the closure of the Museum on Monday without prior consultation and through the back door

Quart wants to seal the closure of the Museum on Monday without prior consultation and through the back door

The Quart City Council plans to approve this Monday in the municipal plenary without prior public consultation and through the back door the transfer of the reading space - currently in the social room - to the Terrissa Museum, through an expansion of the space , denaturalizing the museum with its capabilities and changing the name from museum to cultural center to close it for good. And all this is done without the members of the government themselves having all the information about it and, as it would be popularly said, right after the information that the media are uncovering. A full-fledged mayoress. And how is it intended to be done, then through the approval of point 7 of the agenda which literally says: INITIAL APPROVAL OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE LANDSCAPE STUDY - CELRÈ. Camouflaged within this landscape project - which can have its impact and its added value in some of its points and commissioned to EMF- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE in May 2022 - we find this extension, the change of name of the Museum, of the use . Specifically, on page 26 of the document that we were able to access, it says the following in a very synthetic way and without going into depth:

Cultural Center of the Terrissa, the new public facility in Quart, criteria for its implementation: Extension of the building facing the river; Bar, Terrace on the river, Library...

Among the doubts that arise, there is concern that in order to carry out this action, it will be necessary to destroy and move - in the best case - a huge kiln that is behind the museum's courtyard, made by all the potters in the town, and which is used for do didactic activities. In addition, it is also worrying about the systematic lies of the council which claims that the museum is not closed - when it does not open to the general public, does not program, does not have a management team, or coordination... - and when there is some activity dedicated to the earthenware and ceramics in the enclosure, which is dirty and full of dust, who really develops it and must assume it is the Association of Potters exclusively . It is also sudden when the council argues that it cannot pay the 85,000 staff and activities, meanwhile Artesania de Catalunya has made an almost tailored call to try to help with the costs by 60% and from the council they have not moved to receive the subsidies. Of course, the municipal (dis)government can spend the barbarity of 150,000 euros per head with the main festival, hiring top-level music groups that cost an average of 30,000 euros, and then an extension of credit of public money because it is not reached.


In the latest statements in Diari de Girona and El Punt, the town's mayor said that this controversy was because elections were coming, that it was an imposed controversy. Excuses to hide the bad practices of governance are easy to argue after a political conspiracy, but in this case the weight of the facts and investigative journalism that looks at the newspaper archives has weighed. But the closure of the Terrissa Museum is not the basic problem but the tip of the iceberg. We are talking about a population that has grown and continues to grow, that has a huge young base - 30% are young, something almost impossible to see in our aging societies - and lacks infrastructure and, of course, planning and know how to plan them. Quart has a plot of 12,000 square meters ready to build the new municipal school and many other facilities could come out of these meters. But there are also problems with the nursery school, the lack of a library - there is currently a reading space and toy library - and a hotel for organizations... And all these are problems that cannot be solved closing museums A museum that, in addition, differentiates the population culturally and, if you want, touristically . Different organizations in the country in defense of culture are currently mobilizing to try to stop this nonsense.


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