

"Inside and Outside. Transit between public and private space" Bòlit Mentor 2021/2022

"Inside and Outside. Transit between public and private space" Bòlit Mentor 2021/2022
bonart girona - 08/09/22

The Bolit Center d'art Contemporani opens the Dins i Fora exhibition on September 9. Transit between the public and private space that brings together the proposals developed during the 2021/2022 edition of the Bòlit Mentor educational project, which we co-produce with the Casa de la Paraula de Santa Coloma de Farners. The exhibition can be visited until October 9, 2022

Bòlit Mentor is a project that combines education and creativity and which consists of introducing four visual artists to secondary schools in the territory in order to develop a creative project together with the students, led by a curator of visual arts.

On this occasion, the artists Paula Clay, Aleix Font, Helena Roig and Nicolás Saganías have created the works during their stay at the Josep Brugulat de Banyoles, Carles Rahola de Girona, Castell d'Estela d'Amer and Santiago institutes Sobrequés de Girona.

The exhibition focuses on the relationship established by the students, who participated, with public space, both physical and digital, and reflects on how the individual is positioned within a society, showing that the rules of coexistence are not up to date in the complex times we live in, what happens in the fact of transiting from inside and outside, how this traffic is generated and under which written rules (social contract), and unwritten customs, we relate

In this way, the artists have worked in the classrooms, from muralism (Aleix Font), documentary photography (Helena Roig), electronic and sound art (Nicolás Saganías), and textile art (Paula Clay ), generating an itinerary of pieces to make visible the need to demonstrate how students feel part or not of the decisions that are made in front of a given chain of events. To show how they understand their most immediate environment of relationships, reasoning how they operate and how they mark us living and moving through these spaces, while generating a debate about the value of the collective and the importance of young people in the construction of society.

Clearing the traffic between the inside and the outside is covered with nuances that on most occasions we don't know how to discern or perceive.


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