

The Biennial of Visual Arts Ricard Camí is born

The Biennial of Visual Arts Ricard Camí is born
bonart barcelona - 30/08/22

The Biennial of Visual Arts Ricard Camí was born as a continuation of the Ricard Camí Painting Prize, which celebrated its 16th edition in 2019, renewing itself and adapting to the new times. The Biennale broadens the scope towards a general concept of the Visual Arts and directs recognition towards artistic and social projects.

The contest is promoted and co-organized by the Antigues Caixes Catalanes Foundation, the Lluís Coromina Foundation and BonArt Cultural and aims to encourage artists or professional groups to present projects with a social theme, while contributing to the promotion and projection of visual arts artists.

The Biennale will be held every 2 years and unpublished projects (not previously realized) in any discipline of the visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, video art, drawing/engraving, installation and sound, or a combination of all) may be presented there them) that have as their theme one of the SDGs that mark the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For this first edition, the projects will have to focus on climate change and all its derivatives.

The Biennale is endowed with 1 prize of 3,000 euros, for the best Visual Arts project. In addition to this endowment, 1,500 euros will be allocated to the production of the project, which will be exhibited at the Espai Isern Dalmau of the Lluís Coromina Foundation in September 2023. Up to a maximum of 3 finalists will also be recognized, with 300 euros, as support for the projects presented, which will also form part of the exhibition.

Projects can be submitted until November 15, 2022 through the registration form found on the website www.fcaixescatalanes.cat (THE PRIZES). The jury for the first edition of the Biennale is made up of Montse Badia, art critic and editor of A*DESK; Natàlia Chocarro, art critic and art advisor of the Vila Casas Foundation; Belén Latorre, director of the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalanes, Antonio Ortega, artist and teacher and Ricard Planas, editor of bonart and director of the Fundació Lluís Coromina.

The jury's verdict will be announced at the end of November 2022.

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