

La Panera exhibits the projects of the Art and Nature Scholarships for Creation 2019

La Panera exhibits the projects of the Art and Nature Scholarships for Creation 2019
bonart lleida - 10/06/22

The La Panera Art Center is hosting the 2019 Art and Nature Scholarships for Creation 2019 exhibition by Antoni Jové from 11 June to 2 October.

In 2016, the La Panera Art Center and the Farrera Art and Nature Center, commissioned by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat, reactivated the Art and Nature to Creation grants. The relaunch of these scholarships has allowed different artists and / or groups to make use of the residence and workshops of the Center for Art and Nature of Farrera, to research and produce new works, which we have been able to receive in the Panera.

So far, the artists who have won these scholarships have been: Martín Llavaneras and Eulàlia Valldosera (2016 edition); Joan Pallé and Estibaliz Sadaba Murguia (2017 edition); Marco Noris and Olga Olivera-Tabeni (2018 edition); Isabel Barios Ibars and Francisco Navarrete (2019 edition); Míriam Isasi and Coco Moya (2020 edition), and Ro Caminal, Marta Rosell Chust and Roc Domingo Puig (2021 edition).

The current exhibition brings together the projects of the 2019 and 2020 editions. Specifically, it exhibits three of the four winning projects, which take as a framework the nature and context of Farrera, always far from any idealism and delving into the social, cultural, sound, botanical and geological implications, among other approaches.

Each of the artists has worked on the landscape and natural resources from their own experience, carrying out fieldwork from different approaches and applying their own methodologies that are part of their professional career. Isabel Barios has worked with the oral testimonies of the natives and also from her experience to build a poetic story that uses the written and recited word, video and photography. Miriam Isasi has collected plants and researched their medicinal and food uses with biologists and actors involved in the territory, such as the family business Herbes de l'Alt Pirineu and the Museu de les Trementinaires, in order to capture the botanical richness of Farrera and its surroundings. Finally, Coco Moya was able to amply expand her doctoral thesis on sound geomancy; he was able to continue working with the notion of landscape as a score, carrying out site-specific productions and others in which he reverberates the Pyrenean landscape in deferred.

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