

The Enric Monjo Museum presents "Martí Rom. 50 years of art"

The Enric Monjo Museum presents "Martí Rom. 50 years of art"
bonart vilassar de mar. - 07/04/22

The Enric Monjo Museum presents Martí Rom from April 10 to June 12. 50 years of art, curated by Ramon Casalé Soler.

This exhibition by Martí Rom includes the work of five decades of constant creative activity, in which you can see his interest in different artistic disciplines, ranging from photography, short films, performances, environments and actions, to sculpture, painting, collage, engraving, drawing and objects. In addition to other facets such as gallery, promoter and cultural activist, which have led to his life being fully dedicated to art. For this reason, this retrospective at the Monk Museum allows the public to see a small sample of what he has been creating all these years, but which serves to realize his ability to build impossible works, which extend beyond reality, and that they are only in their own imagination.

In its beginnings, he became interested in conceptual art, which at that time, in the 70s and 80s, was very important in Catalonia. He combined it with sculpture, as he himself confessed that from a very young age he collected objects, stones and wood that he would find in the countryside, on the beaches and in any place he stepped on. As a result of these findings he constructed assemblages evoking bygone times.

For him, recycling has become an obsession, as it allows him to use various materials and objects that by themselves only represent what they are and what their purpose is, but in his hands they become works of art, because he knows how to manipulate them and transform them into new objects that are usually easily identifiable to the viewer.

The exhibition follows a chronological order, where we see sculptures, paintings and drawings that allow us to follow the creative process of the same work and that serves to verify that a seemingly easy piece to create by the elements that make it up, is not really , as it is much more complex than it seems. What happens is that for us certain objects found do not mean anything, but for him they are important. From a pair of tongs, hinges, nails or shovels, a human face, a bird, a dog, a fish, a totem ...

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