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The Liceu commemorates its 175th anniversary with "Museums and Liceu: A shared history"

The Liceu commemorates its 175th anniversary with "Museums and Liceu: A shared history"
bonart barcelona - 16/03/22

Museums and Liceu: a shared history is the result of a project between museums, collections, libraries, archives and exhibition centers in Catalonia and the Liceu to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Gran Teatre. The action also aims to help network and establish links between the country's cultural institutions.

This will be the first outstanding event in the commemorative events for the 175th anniversary of the Liceu. During the 2021/22 and 2022/23 seasons, the Gran Teatre celebrates the anniversary with a series of participatory activities throughout the territory, with the aim of sharing all the years of the Theater's history with those people and entities that, somehow, they have helped to build it. In this case, 121 cultural centers have selected one or more works from their collections related to the history of the Liceu that will be exhibited for a few months at their headquarters, between March 15, 2022 and July 31, 2023.

There are a total of 79 participating centers in the province of Barcelona, 25 in Girona, 7 in Lleida and 10 in Tarragona. Around 145 works make up this eclectic exhibition, from paintings, photographs, scenographic sketches, dioramas, documents, sculptures, instruments and personal objects of personalities linked to the Liceu, among others. Many of the plays have a direct relationship with the Theater, others, but they are related to the world of opera, music or theater, and at the same time they are part of the cultural heritage necessary to be where we are today. and document the history of the Gran Teatre del Liceu.

The initiative brings together centers such as Santa Mònica, the MNAC, Museu Picasso, Museu Dalí, MACBA, CCCB, La Pedrera - Casa Milà, Museu del Futbol Club Barcelona, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Fundació Miró, among many others. Next to each piece exhibited in each center, there will be a poster with a QR from which you can consult all the works of this action .

An example of this collaboration is the piece Reconstrucción: La Santa Virreina (Scene III) by the artists Verónica Lahitte and Antonio Gagliano, hosted by the Santa Mònica Arts Center as part of the exhibition La tradición que ens travessa. In the theatrical text by José María Pemán from 1939, La Santa Virreina , which tells the European legend of the “discovery” of the quina plant for the treatment of malarial fevers at the beginning of the 17th century, is the Sun. the culprit of the fevers that the countess of the Virreinato of Peru suffers. The Santa Virreina is part of what was later called Falangist theater , a series of theatrical proposals made between 1937 and 1941 in which the guidelines were clear: the history of Spain was seen and built as a concatenation of great events obeying to the Falangist ideals of the empire and the recovery of a glorious past .


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