2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Second phase of the "Re-enactment" project-essay at the Girona House of Culture

Second phase of the "Re-enactment" project-essay at the Girona House of Culture
Marta Pol Rigau girona - 04/01/22

In the second phase of the project-essay "Re-enactment", which is presented at the House of Culture of Girona from December 27 to January 15, 2022, you can visit the intervention of Josep Masdevall "The flood of 1976 "and the recordings of the actions of Pep Aymerich - Lluïsa Paredes" Entre el tot i el res II ", Jordi Mitjà" L'habitació dels convidats ", Lluís Alabern" Un home cec és una casa buida "and Borja Zabala" Que me look, they see me, it hardly matters "produced by the Casa de Cultura and curated by Marta Pol Rigau.

Throughout the career of Josep Masdevall you can see some constants in his work, on the one hand, from the sculptural practice, the experimentation with essential materials and refined to the maximum and, on the other, the use of insignificant procedures, action, to establish a coexistence between presence and everyday context.

Within the intrinsic logic of his conception of the sculpture of space, it becomes a place to develop the work and, to this end, uses a minimal but systematized methodology that allows him to find a balance between the formal structure. and spatiotemporal conditioning. But because the goal of his work is to present a way to generate an experience, a game, a complicity with the other.

If in "La riuada del 1976" from the nineties he reproduced the plan of the Casa de Cultura from streams, which were displaced by the traffic of users, producing accumulations similar to the overflows made by excess water. fluvial. In the current re.enactment of "La riuada del 76" it generates an abstract architectural structure of the house to configure, with the lines of stones arranged like crossings between the grids of the parquet of the floor in a space, literally speaking, of constant transformation by the effect of the passage of persons. In parallel, he arranges the stones on the floor and hangs gray wires from the ceiling that draw vertical lines imperceptible to the air and support other stones. All in all, it is a light and, at the same time, complex spatial exercise, in the stones it finds bodies and in the threads the slightest appearance.

As the artist says, “What is left of those stones that drew the building? Surely little. They were swept away by the current, the precise lines of the walls were broken, and now you know where they are. Everything happens; and everything remains. For a few days we will freeze the memory, fix the shape. Then everything will continue to flow. ”


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