2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


"A land is a land is a land is a land" al Museu de la Garrotxa

bonart olot - 03/01/22

Adrià Gamero Casellas and Alícia Vogel present A land is a land is a land is a land at the Museu de la Garrotxa, an exhibition that proposes the exploration and discovery of those territories that paradoxically we can perceive as familiar and strange, as shelter and trench. The exhibition, which can be visited until January 9, 2022, is based on the review of a territory in tension and full of contradictions, a journey on experience, or survival. The territory is conceived as that space not only physical but also subjective and emotional on which the individual bonds and meanings are formed and intertwined in negotiation with the collective visions. The pieces on display have been specially created for this show. They can be seen from engravings to woodcuts, illustrations on fabrics, photographs, audiovisual montages and sculptures, among other formats. Space is decontextualized and reconstructed in a vital narrative that is continually subjected to individual and collective reconstruction and that conditions the way we perceive and cohabit in mass and landscape.

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