

The call for the 2nd Visual Arts Biennial Ricard Camí is open

It is held every 2 years and visual arts projects can be presented that have a theme related to sustainability and/or the impact of climate change, responsible production and consumption and affordable and non-polluting energy

The call for the 2nd Visual Arts Biennial Ricard Camí is open
bonart barcelona - 09/07/24

The Biennial of Visual Arts Ricard Camí, convened and co-organized by the Antigues Caixes Catalanes Foundation (FACC), the Lluís Coromina Foundation and BonArt Cultural and other entities in the sector, aims to stimulate artistic creation, whatever the technique used (painting, sculpture, photography, video art, drawing/engraving, installation and sound, or a combination of all of them) towards projects with social values, at the same time contributing to the promotion and projection of artists.

At the Biennale, professional Catalan artists or those resident in Catalonia can present themselves who can prove that they are in the profession either through exhibitions or research work carried out, or the achievement of academic degrees.

This 2024, the second edition is called. In the first edition, out of 26 proposals, the artist Stella Rahola Matutes (1980) was awarded with the work Ufana (II), consisting of an artistic installation. As a result of this Award, he produced the exhibition La Cronometradora which has been exhibited at the Espai Isern Dalmau of the Fundació Lluís Coromina, and which has deployed imaginaries around water based on a proposal traversed by ecofiction and the versatility of an essential resource that is increasingly scarce on the planet. 

Award, endowment and exhibition

The Biennial of Visual Arts Ricard Camí is endowed with 1 prize of 3,000 euros , for the best unpublished Visual Arts project in any of its visual arts disciplines.

In addition to this endowment, 2,000 euros will be allocated to the production of the project, which will be exhibited at the Espai Isern Dalmau of the Lluís Coromina Foundation during the year 2025/26.

Up to a maximum of 3 finalists will also be recognized, with 300 euros , as support for the projects presented.

Deadlines for presentation, jury and verdict

Projects can be submitted until November 15, 2024 through the registration form found on the website www.fcaixescatalanes.cat (THE AWARDS) . Each artist can present a single project that can be executed in a period of 6 months and be shown in an exhibition hall.

Apart from the contact details and a curriculum vitae, you must present the technical project that specifies the theoretical approach of the future work or works, the objective and the techniques that will be used, which aspects of climate change will be dealt with, budget, and whether it will be carried out individually or in collaboration with a third sector entity.

The jury for the second edition of the Biennale is made up of Montse Badia , art critic and editor of A*DESK, Natàlia Chocarro , art critic and art advisor of the Vila Casas Foundation, Antonio Ortega , artist and teacher, Stella Rahola Matutes , artist winner of the last Biennale, Ricard Planas , editor of fine art and director of the Fundació Lluís Coromina, and Belén Latorre , director of the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalanes.

The jury's verdict will be announced in December 2024.

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