

"And you? What have you done for the victory?", a memoir of the rearguard of the Civil War in the Local Museums Network

The Diputació de Barcelona and the XML premiere an exhibition on the efforts of the rear guard during the 1936-1939 conflict

"And you? What have you done for the victory?", a memoir of the rearguard of the Civil War in the Local Museums Network
bonart barcelona - 14/03/24

Did you know that between 1936 and 1938 more than 142,000 refugees arrived in Barcelonès? That Masnou hosted camps for displaced children? That in Sant Adrià de Besòs up to 39 agricultural properties were collectivized? Or that the Can Serra de Manlleu company was one of the most important in the production of armaments? To remind us that wars are not fought only at the front, the shared exhibition «And you? What have you done for the victory?" , organized by the Culture Area of the Barcelona Provincial Council with the collaboration of the Cerdanyola-Ca n'Oliver History Museum, takes us to that historical moment thanks to documents, photographs and objects from 19 facilities of the Network of Local Museums.

"And you? What have you done for the victory?", a memoir of the rearguard of the Civil War in the Local Museums Network Taller de Can Palomer, dedicat a la fabricació de material de guerra (1936-1939). Fons familiar Maria de Cervelló Palomer.

Some of the most visible social and economic consequences of the rearguard war effort during the 1936-39 conflict were: the creation of welfare networks to accommodate wounded people and refugees, the transformation of factories to produce war material and the collectivizations of agricultural production. It is in these three areas, then, that the new exhibition of the "Networked Memory" project is set, which, as in previous editions, will be unfolded over the course of the months with the progressive incorporation - between March and October - of the various local museums and municipal archives that participate.

"And you? What have you done for the victory?", a memoir of the rearguard of the Civil War in the Local Museums Network Cartell de la Guerra Civil d’Anselm Corrons i Perramon - 1936; guaix sobre paper. Museu de Manresa. MCM 10572.

"And you? What have you done for the victory?" it can be seen already in March in Sant Adrià de Besòs, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Cornellà de Llobregat, Terrassa and Manlleu. In April, El Prat de Llobregat, Calella, Tona, El Masnou, Roda de Ter, Vilassar de Dalt and Cerdanyola del Vallès will be added. In May it will be the turn of Ripollet and Sabadell. Arenys de Mar, Mataró and Manresa will be added in June. Castellbisbal will join in August. And finally, in October, the exhibition will arrive in Santa Coloma Gramenet. Each of these municipalities contributes to the exhibition as a whole materials from one of the areas in which it is divided, to construct a unique, and at the same time plural, portrait of an unprecedented social mobilization.

"And you? What have you done for the victory?", a memoir of the rearguard of the Civil War in the Local Museums Network Harry Spiegel, brigadista austríac hospitalitzat a l’Hospital de les Brigades Internacionals de Mataró (Salesians), tocant la guitarra envoltat de nens refugiats, al 1937. Arxiu espanyol. Arxiu de documentació de la resistència austríaca [Spanienarchiv. Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes] (Viena, Àustria).

Although the ideal way to fully see this exhibition of shared memory is to visit and discover all the participating museums and archives, it can also be accessed virtually from diba.cat/web/exposicions/-/i-tu- que-has-fet-per-la-victoria , where you will also find all the information on the equipment and the dates and times to plan your visit. And if you are curious to know what other historical memory topics we have covered in previous editions, you can visit the website diba.cat/web/opc/memoria-en-xarxa .

"And you? What have you done for the victory?", a memoir of the rearguard of the Civil War in the Local Museums Network Panoràmica de Manlleu amb la fàbrica de Can Serra en primer terme. Primer quart del segle XX. Arxiu Museu del Ter.

This action by the Provincial Council of Barcelona responds to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS). The 17 SDGs were proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 25, 2015 and are part of the Global Agenda for 2030. The Diputació de Barcelona assumes compliance and deploys its action to support local governments of the province in accordance with these ODS.


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