

Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs hosts "Art and Word"

Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs hosts "Art and Word"
bonart lleida - 29/06/23

The Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs has presented the exhibition Art i Paraula , a traveling exhibition of contemporary art and Catalan poetry that aims to make known the existing links between various visual artists and poets from Catalonia from different periods. The exhibition, promoted by the Lluís Coromina Foundation, presents eleven artist-poet couples , also looking for the limits between the visual and the literary poem in the Zona Zero room of the IEI.

Art i Paraula is an exhibition that looks for the links between visual artists and poets, a journey from the eyes of the visual creator who with his work wants to pay tribute to the artist of words and who travels the path of back and forth of the network of union between written language and visual language.

The looks of the artists of different generations discover the poetry of Ausiàs March, Ramon Llull, Joan Oliver, Salvador Espriu, VAEstellés, JV Foix, Maria Mercè Marçal, Felícia Fuster, Carles Hac Mor, Joan Brossa, Àngels Moreno.

The relationship between art and poetry goes back to the beginnings of our history and culture, poetry as a generator of images and sensations has always had a strong link with the visual, the poet has brought us closer to the creation of images and the 'visual artist has embodied them in work.

The creation of images, whether through the word or through other types of expression has been a reality that has left a strong mark, Joan Miró himself did not establish a difference between poetry and painting, in his work the creation visual was linked to the intellectual proposal, Vicenç Altaió says it very clearly when he states that "Miró did not make any distinction between a literary poem and a plastic poem".

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