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"The impact of the global economy on bodies", by Enric Mauri at Tecla Sala

© Desastre (detall), (2023). Enric Maurí, Barcelona, 2023
"The impact of the global economy on bodies", by Enric Mauri at Tecla Sala
bonart hospitalet de llobregat - 23/03/23

As part of the Observatori Tecla Sala cycle, the exhibition, curated by Teresa Blanch, Tik Tak is presented. The impact of the global economy on bodies, by the artist Enric Mauri (Alfou, Cardedeu, 1957).

Combining installation with performance, Maurí infiltrates entangled problems such as technological obsolescence, precarious urban camps or the aesthetic control of bodies on the internet, in an attempt to activate intimate rebellions against disorienting economic powers that dominate the present stage of human history.

Enric Maurí (Alfou, Cardedeu, 1957) practices a liberating activism that combines installation with performance to respond to multiple dysfunctions in society's day-to-day life. His multidisciplinary scenarios absorb the frailties of the "speculated" individual in the current era of consumerist dirigisme and, at the same time, of exclusions and waste with which runaway global capitalism stresses without limit the vital process of people and the planet.

The artist transfers to the field of art the harsh reality of the pressure caused by the unstoppable rejection of objects, the constant replacement of products of daily use and the waste that cannot be reused, as a result of the programmed obsolescence that, as a result of technological advances, it has not stopped being incorporated into consumer goods for almost a century.

At the same time, Enric Mauri shows that in the Western world, whether in Berlin, New York, L'Hospitalet or Poblenou in Barcelona, the deregulation of housing law is pushing people into homelessness and spreading a new urban landscape of settlements precarious that ends up turning them into waste. In the background, corporate seductions on the internet impose the beautification of the body.

The inauguration will take place on March 30 at 7 p.m.

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