

The Mies Van der Rohe Foundation presents a program prioritizing networks and betting on new perspectives on architecture

La directora de la Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Anna Ramos, acompanyada per Ivan Blasi, comissari de premis i programes, i representants de les entitats col·laboradores, presentant les activitats programades per aquest any per la Fundació Mies Van de Rohe
The Mies Van der Rohe Foundation presents a program prioritizing networks and betting on new perspectives on architecture
bonart barcelona - 29/01/23

On January 27 at 1:00 p.m., the new program for the year 2023 of the Mies Van der Rohe Foundation was presented in the Networking Pavilion that welcomes and suggests new perspectives on architecture through the arts, debate and research.

This event was attended by the director of the Foundation, Anna Ramos and the commissioner of awards and programs, Ivan Blasi, and representatives of the collaborating entities, presenting the activities planned for this year by the Foundation.

According to the director's words "this year the activities will have a local and international impact with the start of the new edition of the Contemporary Architecture Award of the European Union/Mies van der Rohe Awards - Young Talent 2023, the participation in the platforms cultural and architectural European LINA and New Temporalities and the program of debates and artistic interventions in the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion .

The year 2023 begins with the organization of the EUmies Awards in its Young Talent category with schools of architecture, landscape and urban planning from Europe and, in this edition, also from Africa.

This process will end with an exhibition, debate and award ceremony in Venice during La Biennale Architettura. On the other hand, the jury will be in charge of selecting the best end-of-career projects that will allow us to discover how the new generations of architects work to face the most urgent challenges.

As for the exhibitions of the EUmies Awards for Architecture and Emergent 2022, they will continue their successful itinerancy with a presence in Vienna, London, Eberltoft (DK) and Copenhagen.

It should be noted that three multidisciplinary teams have been chosen to contribute their proposals to the program of the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, as a result of the collaboration with the European architecture platform LINA. In exchange, the winners of the EUmies Awards-Young Talent 2023 will participate with their proposals at the LINA meeting in Ljubljana, giving them the opportunity to be invited by the other institutions on the platform. This fact will also enable the exchange of creative proposals throughout 2023.

Within the framework of the Construmat Fair, the Foundation plans to organize an exhibition that will reflect on contemporary architecture based on the archive of the EUmies Awards.

Regarding the balance of visits received last year 2022, the director of the Foundation stated that it was very positive since they were able to count a total of approximately 90,000 visitors.

Program of artistic interventions 2023

The program of artistic interventions will welcome this year very relevant proposals such as Rockinkg the Accident on Stella Rahola and Roger Paez, with the MEATS master's students from Elisava emphasizing the effect of the passage of time on materials, thus closing the cycle started with Beautiful Failures . It is also worth noting The cost of Money: raft by Mark Cottle that celebrates the International Day free of plastic bags with two surfaces made of single-use bags collected in Barcelona and woven by hand that will occupy the space of the current carpet of the Pavilion and its large pond.

In the autumn, three interventions will be carried out entitled: Psychoarchitecture by Óscar Abraham Pabón during the Barcelona Gallery Weekend and Swab , and two proposals that contextualize the Pavilion of 1929, El Marge by Terecen Gower that will revive the life of the old neighborhood called Barri Xino (currently Raval) and Politics and Architecture by Dietrich Neumann which will reintroduce three little-known elements of the Pavilion which are: the original flags, the plaque with the names of the companies that had participated in the construction of the Pavilion and the word " Alemania " which it was produced in steel and placed on the travertine.

Mention should also be made of the new musical proposal of the Goethe Foundation and the collaboration with SónarMies for the Barcelona Obetura concert.

In addition to participating in the programming of the Filmoteca de Catalunya's Per amor a les Arts cycle, cinema is coming with the Pantalla Pavelló summer cycle which will be dedicated to Copenhagen, a recognition of its status as the World Capital of Architecture for this year 2023.

For Sant Jordi's day, the publication titled Stadium, the Pavilion and Palace de Domènec will be presented, based on the intervention of the same name that took place in 2018 in collaboration with the MACBA.

Two other publications will follow before the end of the year and they are EUmies Awards – Young Talent 2023 and Re-enactment: the work of Lilly Reich occupies the Barcelona Pavilion of Laura Martínez de Guereñu.

From the 20th to the 30th of April, the Mies van der Rohe Foundation will manage the Barcelona Model Festival of Architecture which will be composed of a wide range of architecture, research and curatorial proposals that will be presented in mid-February in a wheel of specific press.

It should be remembered that the Mies Van der Rohe Foundation pavilion was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich as Germany's pavilion for the 1929 Barcelona International Exhibition that was built in Montjuïc. It is built with glass, steel and different types of marble and was conceived to host the official reception presided over by King Alfonso XIII alongside the German authorities.

For its part, the Mies van der Rohe Foundation was created in 1983 by Barcelona City Council, with the aim of reconstructing the German Pavilion. In addition to conserving and disseminating knowledge about the Pavilion, the Foundation promotes debate and awareness on contemporary architecture and urban planning issues.

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