

Bad contemporaneity

En col·laboració amb A*Desk – Critical Thinking

Bad contemporaneity

What do you think if we naturalize at once that the wrong ways of thinking are produced by a world that is wrong. And if we activate ourselves at once, because only by changing these forms can the knot be loosened, which brings together more and more grievances, insults, offenses, insults, insults. In short, damage. To repair this damage, these flawed ways of thinking must be unleashed, both individually and collectively.

What does it mean to live in a world where contradictions are true? And what are the forms that are developed in response to this fact? The very experience of incongruity is based on opposing feelings.

We, the capitalist societies of the global north , live in a world where almost everything is made to be sold. Everything around us is a commodity, even ourselves. Digitization has taught us that if you don’t pay for a service, you are the commodity. We grow with a constant flow of information that automatically becomes true. "Bad contemporaneity." The activities that most unite the peoples of the world are production, circulation and consumption. To articulate a collective feeling that something is wrong with the way the world is structured today: the mismanagement of wealth as a form of value. This sentence encourages us to reflect on our social imagination: to visualize a world where social wealth no longer needs to be expressed as a value and therefore unlearn this paradigm as the main form of social mediation.

As I write these lines, about to close the edition of this issue of Malart, a war has broken out in Ukraine, a war as usual, provoked by power structures and economic interests. Those we do not want to dismantle. Destruction, death and suffering that we do not unlearn , but tolerate again. It is no coincidence that we have called an art magazine "malart"; "Good art" also has the same lessons that we want to get rid of here.

Today, it is still important to invest in a project that involves critical thinking, and there has been a marked abandonment of the project in the last two decades. Critical thinking involves identifying the wrong ways of thinking. Identifying will require learning or, rather, unlearning . Trace the steps of this thought and therefore inhabit it. It’s risky, but you have to embrace it in every way. In tracing we must detach ourselves from what we have erroneously learned, from the imbued principles without questioning them. In * DESK, through this portfolio called DESAPRENDRE, for which artists, mediators, thinkers and educators have been selected, it wants to point out with incision social deficiencies on which we must not only reflect, but disassemble and unlearn .

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