

"Revealing" at the Valvi Foundation

"Revealing" at the Valvi Foundation
bonart girona - 13/05/22

From May 10, you can visit the temporary exhibition Revelarse by the artists Sergi Batlle, Montserrat Gimferrer, Jaume Llorens and Mercedes Werner at the Fundació Valvi in Girona. According to Gemma Nomen (art historian) “what we are presented with at Valvi are individual research and independent work, carried out from different conceptions and approaches that respond to their concerns. In some cases, artists have common views and parallels, with nature and landscape as a common denominator and with a language that is often abstract, and in some cases, surreal. They are also joined by the artist of the exhibition, Jaume Geli, the visual artist who has managed to bring people together in the same space ”.

On the one hand, Sergi Batlle with "Cubil" presents the result of a research that began six years ago and is still ongoing in the town of Orce, a small town located north of Granada.

Through the language of photography, Batlle makes clear the fragility of the course of history, easily altered by the discovery of the fossil. It also questions the small, human scale, from a montage of twenty images, where we can see the signs of the human trail, erosion, and ultimately the passage of time. Montserrat Gimferrer's sample with Empty name refers to what the images tell you in the process of converting them from Raw to Tiff format. These are digital images, printed by Ferran Giménez, although in general Gimferrer enjoys more the physical and limited work of the analog.

In this exhibition Gimferrer presents a series of photographs taken recently and printed in large format, where he summarizes the landscapes of his life between Catalonia and England, a country where he has lived for thirty years. You can enjoy the landscapes of the Costa Brava and the thermal pool of Caldes de Malavella, as far as the Brighton Sea and the English fog.

The third exhibition is that of Jaume Llorens entitled After the rain and shows some images made in the period out of the confinement of 2020, in a few months of reunion with nature and personal reconnection. This reflective period led Jaume to approach our roots contemplatively. Silence and loneliness envelop the images, which collect, in Jaume's words, "very minimal scenes", which suggest paths, but which do not make them explicit. The most basic notes. The empty spaces that the spectator can, if he wants, to fill to finish his own story are very important ”.

The fourth sample is that of Mercedes Werner Revelarse: between light and darkness, which places us in an exercise in sensory exploration, built with superimposed levels of content and meaning that the artist presents to us in the form of an installation .lation. The space consists of several branches that rise from the walls, dry leaves on the floor; the landscape outside to the personal interior, looking for input as the light makes it through the lens. The exhibition can be visited until June 25, 2022 from Monday to Friday from 5 to 8 pm and on Saturday mornings and from 5 to 8 pm.


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