2024 Inserció Bonart Segell IMPULSA CULTURA


Challenges and priorities for the cultural future of Catalonia

Erasing inequalities through cultural and artistic practice as the main objective of the mandate.

Challenges and priorities for the cultural future of Catalonia
bonart barcelona - 24/01/25

The event held yesterday, January 23, at the Cercle d'Economia, under the title "Challenges and priorities of the Department of Culture: conversation with Minister Sònia Hernández", served to expose the main strategic lines of the ministry in cultural matters. The event highlighted the key objectives of this legislature, focused on five priority points: guaranteeing cultural rights, consolidating a strong and well-structured cultural system, promoting artistic creation, valorizing heritage and strengthening audiovisual and digital culture. The event was organized by several entities in the sector, such as the Cercle de Cultura , the Association of Theatre Companies (ADETCA) , the Association of Professionals of Cultural Management of Catalonia (APGCC) , the Association of Professionals of Museology of Catalonia (AMC) and the Federation of Audiovisual Producers (PROA) .

Minister Sònia Hernández outlined the main strategic lines of the Department of Culture, focusing on several key aspects. One of the highlights was the promotion of arts and culture in education, with the creation of a network of local cultural facilities through the Plan for Cultural Facilities and Services of Catalonia (PESCAT) 2025-2035 . Another priority area was the support for artistic creation, with the implementation of a Strategic Plan for Artistic Creation , which includes an increase in grants and the promotion of circuits and tours throughout the territory. In addition, the Artist's Statute will be launched, with the aim of improving the working conditions of creators. In this sense, part of the future Cultural Rights Law will be dedicated to establishing fairer working conditions for workers in the sector, with transparency measures in competitions and corporate social responsibility. The valorization of heritage as an element of collective identification is also a priority, with the continuous deployment of the Strategic Plan for Catalan Cultural Heritage 2030. Likewise, initiatives such as the expansion of the MNAC and the second phase of the 'Eyes of History' project are being promoted, which will offer a new look at heritage adapted to social interests. In the audiovisual and digital field, initiatives such as Catalunya Media City and the expansion of the Audiovisual Park will be reinforced, with aid for the production of content in Catalan and the Plan for the Development of Audiovisual Audiences in Catalan , which will include actions such as audiovisual literacy in schools and incentives for programming in Catalan.

Challenges and priorities for the cultural future of Catalonia

During her speech, Sònia Hernández reaffirmed the commitment to achieve 2% of the Generalitat's budget for culture, with the aim of eradicating inequalities through cultural practice and community empowerment. Despite the good indicators of the cultural sector in terms of spectators and economic performance, the minister stressed that barriers to access and participation still persist and must be overcome.

In response to questions from the associations participating in the meeting, Hernández pointed out that the professionalization of the heritage sector is one of the department's goals, working with universities and training centers to ensure adequate training. Regarding financing, Sònia Hernández stressed the need to strengthen sponsorship and patronage through the new law, since, compared to other countries in our region, Catalonia is in a weak position with regard to these instruments and tax incentives. She confirmed that this issue is one of the priorities of the Department of Economy and Finance, which is already working on the drafting of the patronage law with the government's commitment. At the same time, the Department of Culture collaborates with the Fundació Catalunya Cultura, which has drafted a specific text for cultural patronage, while communication campaigns are being prepared and events are being scheduled with companies in the sector to promote this practice.

Challenges and priorities for the cultural future of Catalonia

Hernández also stressed the need to update cultural legislation, highlighting that laws are "a guarantee of rights and make the system work properly." In this sense, during this legislature, several regulatory texts will be updated, with the impetus of new laws such as the Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage Law and the Museums and Archives Laws, currently under study. The return of the Film Library Law to the Parliament of Catalonia for processing is also expected.

Finally, the internationalization of Catalan culture was highlighted as a strategic axis, with the recent approval of the Strategic Plan of the Ramon Llull Institute , which is committed to opening up to the global south and Ibero-American and African countries, reinforcing the positioning of Catalan culture on the global scene and creating new opportunities for projection abroad.


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