

The MUN will curate an exhibition with works from the ARCO Foundation Collection

Presentation of an exhibition project and editorial news at ARCOmadrid.

'Anti-colonial Monuments', Daniela Ortiz (2018). Col·lecció Fundació ARCO
The MUN will curate an exhibition with works from the ARCO Foundation Collection
bonart navarre - 16/01/25

MUN has been invited to curate the selection and distribution of works from the ARCO Foundation Collection that will be exhibited in the Sala Consejo, which can be visited during the fair. A team from CA2M (Centre d'Art Dos de Maig) led by the director, Tania Pardo, collaborates with the curators on this project, which will be presented in a space designed by the architect Pedro Pitarch.

This curatorial work has been commissioned from the students of the Master's Thesis (TFM) of the Master in Curatorship Studies, of which it was selected among those of its promotion last year. Under the title 'Dear viewer, what are you looking at?', the exhibition project can be visited at the MUN in September and includes 35 works from the ARCO Foundation Collection, which since 1987 has brought together productions by renowned artists from the national and international scene. The proposal derived from this TFM will also be explained at ARCOmadrid, on the afternoon of March 7.

The MUN will curate an exhibition with works from the ARCO Foundation Collection Estudiants de la VII promoció del Màster en Estudis de Comissariat del MUN juntament amb Maribel López, directora de la Fundació ARCO; els directors del TFM de les comissàries, María Aguilera i Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro (director artístic del MUN); i la coordinadora i la directora del Màster, María Ozcoidi i Nieves Acedo. Manuel Castells/MUN

In addition, on that same day, the MUN is scheduled to present the books of its two current exhibitions: University Museum Collection. Four Decades and Rafael Levenfeld. Photographer. The first, which can be visited until next August, shows a thousand pieces of photography, painting, sculpture and video installation from its collection and offers a journey through 185 years of art. The MUN Collection began in 1981 with the donation that the photographer José Ortiz Echagüe made to the University of Navarra. Almost three decades later, in 2008, the Navarrese collector María Josefa Huarte donated her collection of contemporary art on the condition that a museum be created to house it. Over the course of forty years, the collection has been expanded with new funds, donations, newly created works and some acquisitions.

As for Rafael Levenfeld. Photographer, this is an exhibition that includes previously unpublished work by the artist who was its artistic director.

Finally, MUN will present its more than 130 publications at ArtsLibris, an international fair for artist books, photobooks and self-publishing.

The MUN will curate an exhibition with works from the ARCO Foundation Collection 'De este Paraíso', Manolo Millares (1969). Col·lecció MUN


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