

Aleix Font: formalities

Urban criticism and intuitive creativity at the Quart Museum.

Aleix Font: formalities
Nora Barnach fourth - 20/12/24

At the Museu de Quart , the artist Aleix Font (Sabadell, 1984) presents his first exploration into the world of ceramics with the exhibition 'Formalitats'. This exhibition is the result of an experimental creative process, in which the artist has explored the possibilities of the ceramic material with the support of the Associació de Terrissers Artesans de Quart . Beyond the exhibition itself, this project also marks the opening of an exhibition room named after the Ginesta family, in recognition of their legacy in the pottery heritage of the municipality.

The exhibition, which can be visited until the end of February, is born from a proposal that led Font to delve into this new field for him, dedicating two months to work in a process that he himself describes and understands as an artistic residency. With this experience, Font has been able to experiment with forms that arise from play and intuition, without a specific intention of meaning, but with the capacity to suggest multiple readings. These forms, organic and fluid, dialogue with his pictorial work, establishing a connection between disciplines that, far from being opposed, complement each other.


Font began working with ceramics spontaneously and intuitively, modeling and creasing the pieces. The resulting works are the fruit of an almost visceral process, where the folded, wrinkled or tense forms make us think of the folds of the body, the skin and its memory. These pieces, however, can be located in multiple mental spaces; and this is what Font also sought, to generate objects that were, at the same time, neutral and non-neutral, with a point of attention that led each person to a free interpretation.


The tapestries exhibited in 'Formalitats' reflect Font's line of work, and continue to explore folds, blurs and shapes. The microdot, present in several tapestries, currently configures one of the central axes of his work, understood as environmental noise, as a metaphor for the periphery that surrounds the center and the margins out of focus. Font's work, which began to develop his personal work in 2003, is based on urban criticism, with the intention of analyzing and proposing new perspectives on the urban environment, generating other realities through creations that act as metaphors for limits and tensions. In this context, Font understands the concept of graffiti as a way of living and understanding the city, conceived as a space in which one can intervene and interfere.

'Formalities' is also an open question: What has to happen for something to become a tradition? Font answers this question with a series of works that do not want to be categorized and that focus on the hybridization between painting and ceramics. His creative process, marked by constant experimentation, leads him to conceive of ceramics as a starting point and a space to continue exploring lines of work.



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