
UIA Barcelona 2026: architecture at the center of the global debate

The congress will be a platform to face the great contemporary challenges.

© Márton Mogyorósy
UIA Barcelona 2026: architecture at the center of the global debate
bonart barcelona - 22/11/24

The progress in the organization of the World Congress of the UIA , which will take place in Barcelona in 2026, focused the participation of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) in the General Assembly of the International Union of Architects (UIA ) , held in Kuala Lumpur on November 18 and 19. With the presence of the dean Guillem Costa Calsamiglia , the president of the CSCAE , Marta Vall-llosera , and the architect Pau Sarquella , the meeting highlighted this event, which is emerging as a key milestone in a context of global transformations.

In addition, the transformative power of architecture was highlighted, capable of redefining how we live with the environment and with each other, while contributing to improving people's quality of life. This ability of architecture to go beyond its constructive function has become one of the central themes of the debate in recent years, positioning the discipline as an essential tool to face the great challenges of our time, affecting social and environmental dynamics.

With the slogan 'Becoming. Architectures for a planet in transition', the Congress aspires to transcend theories to activate real solutions to problems such as climate change, complex urban dynamics and the need for a more sustainable economy. This transformative impulse will be conveyed through six major axes that structure the Congress. Proposals such as Becoming Circular or Becoming Hyper-Conscious challenge professionals to rethink their paradigms from the perspective of sustainability, territorial awareness and interdependence between communities.

This conceptual framework, proposed by the congressional commission team, is not just theoretical. It is a call to action at a time of accelerated change, marked by climate change, social inequalities and the urgent need to rethink cities and territories. This transformative spirit not only raises a reflection on the role of architecture, but also uses Barcelona as a metaphor for an urban reality in constant evolution. From its location, the Congress will establish a dialogue between the local context and global challenges, consolidating Barcelona as a platform for knowledge and innovation in the architectural and urban planning field.

The UIA 2026 World Congress , which will have the support of the Spanish Government's Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda , the Generalitat de Catalunya and Barcelona City Council , will place architecture at the center of the debate on the future of the planet. It will be a call – for both architects and citizens – to get actively involved in the construction of a better world, highlighting the importance and significance of each urban decision.

UIA Barcelona 2026: architecture at the center of the global debate

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