
A journey through the dark universe of HR Giger

The exhibition offers a tour of his most outstanding works and his influence on science fiction and contemporary art.

H.R. Giger
A journey through the dark universe of HR Giger
bonart salt - 20/09/24

'The attraction of the abyss' invites us to enter a universe of darkness and overflowing creativity. At the Casa de Cultura Les Bernardes in Salt, the imagination of HR Giger comes to life, commemorating the tenth anniversary of his death. This exhibition captures the essence of a visionary artist who goes beyond the limits of cinema, offering us a tour of his career.

This tribute to Giger, the Swiss artist who transformed science fiction with his iconic creations for Ridley Scott's Alien, shows us much more than his best-known creature. He invites us to explore his artistic career through works ranging from paintings to sculptures, screen prints and photographs. His recurring themes—the fusion between man and machine, physical decay and the destruction of the natural world—continue to resonate today.

This retrospective, which is being exhibited for the first time in Spain, offers a global vision of Giger's genius. The exhibition also exhibits pieces from the HR Giger Museum in Gruyères, as well as creations by artists such as Salvador Dalí, Hans Bellmer and Ernst Fuchs, which help to better understand Giger's connection to surrealism.

Its influence on contemporary culture remains intact. Beyond his cinematic creatures, his unique style has left its mark on film, comics, video games, and even tattoo art. Among the most outstanding pieces of the exhibition are the throne designed for the failed Dune project and a futuristic dog suit, a gift from the Swiss artist to Dalí and which has been lent by the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation.

Giger's career reflects his ambivalent relationship with cinema and art. Although the cinema gave him worldwide recognition, it also displaced his facet as a painter. After winning an Oscar for his work on Alien, his label as a creator of creatures overshadowed his painterly work. This exhibition, however, wants to claim its artistic diversity.

The exhibition can be visited in Salt until the end of December, an opportunity to discover the legacy of a genius and the validity of his dystopian and dark universe.

A journey through the dark universe of HR Giger Vista de l'exposició a Les Bernardes.


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