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Premiere of the second season of the INCLASSIFICABLES podcast on Catalunya Ràdio

From the Casa de les Arts de Girona, transformative art and creative freedom will be debated with Aleix Font and Ingrid Guardiola.

Premiere of the second season of the INCLASSIFICABLES podcast on Catalunya Ràdio
bonart girona - 19/09/24

The second season of the INCLASSIFICABLES podcast is here, presented by Ricard Planas and Davd Escamilla. This new stage will continue to bet on committed and transformative art, opening up a space for debate to explore the role of art in society, while giving voice to unclassifiable and innovative creators in cultural spaces all over Catalonia.

The Casa de les Arts de Girona, headquarters of the Fundació Girona Est, hosts the first episode of this new season, which will premiere next Sunday, September 22. The Girona Est Foundation is a project that seeks to regenerate an often stigmatized neighborhood, using culture and art as tools for social and community transformation.

This episode will feature Aleix Font, artist and social educator who combines his individual production with participatory artistic projects aimed at community transformation. Ingrid Guardiola, director of the Bòlit - Center for Contemporary Art in Girona, will also take part, to talk about the challenges of contemporary creation and how initiatives that connect art and society are being developed.

Throughout the first episode, fundamental questions will be raised such as what is the role of art in the social fabric. There will be a debate on the power of art to transform stigmatized spaces such as some neighborhoods of Girona, through projects such as 'La Ciutat Policromada', which uses urban art to redefine and humanize spaces, while encouraging citizen participation. Can art help address urban problems? And if so, how can it transform communities without hiding its difficulties?

Another central axis of the debate will be the creative freedom of artists in the face of commercial pressure. How does the need to repeat successful formulas affect creators? In contrast, those who choose to reinvent themselves and be "unclassifiable", freeing themselves from market expectations, will be discussed.

Finally, what is the role of social art? Should it be detached from the economy to prevent it from being used as a tool for economic or social transformation? These questions will lead to a deep debate about the function of art in contemporary society.

With this start, the UNCLASSIFIABLES podcast reaffirms itself as a platform to critically reflect on art and its potential to generate profound changes in its social environment, always challenging established conventions.

Premiere of the second season of the INCLASSIFICABLES podcast on Catalunya Ràdio Ricard Planas, David Escamilla, Aleix Font i Ingrid Guardiola.

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