

Santi Moix and the "ripple" effect

Fins al 29 d'abril a la Fundació Lluís Coromina

The Ripple, 2016. Tècnica mixta sobre paper Canson de 300 gr. 280x200 cm.
Santi Moix and the "ripple" effect

A deliberately underground space opens wide. In the background, a platonic cave. The truth is the light of ideas made a collective mural. Santi Moix and a creative army of people with unlimited abilities to teach them another perspective of existence, as art does, have acted on this virginal white canvas. Paper as support, appealing to the soul of trees. The walls evoke the intensity of feelings, colors, repressed and released emotions. The points that spread like waves in water, the ripple effect, enter the scene. Organic and asymmetrical dots, like signs, fly everywhere as if the cosmos had been articulated. It looks like a contemporary mandala, it looks like an atomic explosion of energy and psychedelic sensations. Soft and schizophrenic drawing and painting hybridize together, while the collage that cuts out the imperfect drive of life is glued to each fragment of this symphony of joy. This mosaic of pixels traps you to a specific point where the energy absolutely absorbs you. The organic forms only roar to take you further, to a metaphysical concept of knowledge. The artist and his social dimension never stop. Art already has a social dimension but sometimes it is embraced even more intensely with proposals like the one I just understood, I don't know if completely. Pupils cry yellow tears of freedom, orange passion or green hope. The black ends up structuring what is missing and the white background allows you to breathe, otherwise you would die from excess. It is good to be reunited with this infinity that has become concrete. The emotions of those who made it do not leave indifferent.

The first time I saw this magnificent work, it was caged in the Furniture Restoration Center of the Generalitat de Catalunya, in Sant Cugat del Vallès, where it was guarded fantastically, since they gave it an architecture so that it could be supported and placed in to walk. Thanks to the sensitivity and intelligence of a woman who has spent a whole career dealing with the past in order to fix it, today we can see her again. Thank you, Esther Gual, for being there. Thank you, Fundació Jeroni de Moragas de Sant Cugat del Vallès, for doing the social work you do with the group with diversity and for having this idea of generating choral artistic scores. Thank you, Lluís Coromina, for hosting her. Thank you, Santi Moix, for your humility and generosity in projects like this, where you take over from the great authors of our house. And, of course, we don't thank the Diputació de Barcelona, which had promised to acquire this work and which at the last minute reneged on it in a pedestrian way. Let's hope it ends in a good place.


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