

The film "Pacifiction" by Albert Serra won two César awards

The film "Pacifiction" by Albert Serra won two César awards
bonart - 26/02/23

The film by the director and producer from Banyoles, which was in the running for 7 statuettes, has won the César awards from the French film academy, for best actor for Benoît Magimel and best photography for Artur Tort . The awards ceremony was held at the legendary Olympia Theater in Paris. At the end of the ceremony, Serra said that the "most powerful elements in the image, such as the photography and the actor, the most hypnotic of the film" had been awarded and he interpreted it as being able to appreciate "the originality" of the film. Both Magimel and Tort spoke of Albert Serra in their speech. Magimel has thanked him "for the freedom" with which he works and Tort for all the work they have done together.

Pacification premiered at the Cannes Film Festival where, despite the good reception and rumors, it was not awarded in the award ceremony. The film narrates the plight of De Roller, played by Benoît Magimel, a high representative of the French State who faces the threat of new nuclear tests on the island of Tahiti. Shot in French Polynesia, Pacifiction arises from the interest to talk about the world "today" but framed "plastically in a context of visual fantasy" of an overseas territory. Serra understands the work as a "natural continuity" of his filmography, despite the fact that this time it touches on "very contemporary" aspects.

Serra's last film had already been receiving other accolades in France: the prestigious Louis Delluc prize, in addition to three important awards from the Prix Lumières awarded by the international press (best director, best actor and best cinematography). Pacifiction was also chosen as the best film of 2022 according to the French film magazine Cahiers du Cinema .

The Catalan co-production As bestas , by Rodrigo Sorogoyen , which was the big winner of the Goya Awards, also took to the Olympia stage to take the prize for the best foreign film. Pacifiction , que va endur-se el Premi Gaudí a millor pel·lícula en llengua no catalana, no va rebre ni una sola nominació als Premis Goya de l'Acadèmia del Cinema Espanyol.

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