

"Resonances. Mapfre Foundation Collections" in Space 2 of the KBr MAPFRE Foundation

"Resonances. Mapfre Foundation Collections" in Space 2 of the KBr MAPFRE Foundation
bonart barcelona - 26/05/22

KBr Photography Center MAPFRE Foundation presents, from May 26 to September 4, Resonances. Mapfre Foundation Collections. Curated by Joan Fontcuberta, the exhibition is conceived as a kind of experimental manifesto that explores what the images of the past tell us and how they resonate in the present through 36 works from the MAPFRE Foundation Collections and approximately 45 works by artists. contemporary photography, vinyl and video projections.

Resonances offers a new interpretation, far from the usual, of the Foundation's funds and that allows them to remain alive over time, as they dialogue and confront other artists and images and offers the possibility of establishing new perspectives. One of the meanings of the concept of resonance refers to the artistic field. As defined by the curator of the exhibition, Joan Fontcuberta, it is "the game of correspondence that establishes a harmony between different works, and thus promotes a dialogue between their respective authors and the periods in which they were done".

Following this definition, the curator has brought to light works by artists such as Lee Friedlander, Garry Winogrand, Helen Levitt, Robert Adams, Diane Arbus and Emmet Gowin belonging to the collections of the MAPFRE Foundation, and has brought them into dialogue with the of various contemporary artists - Paolo Cirio, Juana Gost, Michelangelo Tornero, Kurt Caviezel, Jon Rafman and Joachim Schmid - with the desire that the images of these already classic photographers be "de-fossilized", that they leave the past and tell us about the present .

In addition to the reverberations between artists, the exhibition aims to show the path from photography to post-photography: the photographic medium, at least in the beginning, promised us memory and truth. Now, in the age of the internet and social media, we all have a phone with which we can capture moments. Images can be downloaded from Google, computers are hacked, and we reconstruct this truth according to our needs.

This new use of the medium has led to the transformation of the principles and values by which we are governed in our daily lives. In the face of all this, there are many artists whose work seeks to highlight these issues and bring to the fore issues such as the ethics of the image, the lack of privacy, oversaturation, the replacement of the real life for the screen, or simply the paradigm shifts that are happening and how we adapt to it since we live in the digital age.


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