

The Suñol Foundation celebrates 20 years

The Suñol Foundation celebrates 20 years
bonart barcelona - 31/03/22

The Suñol Foundation celebrates the 20th anniversary of its creation in 2002 by presenting a program that focuses on the main axes of the entity: preserving and disseminating the Suñol Soler Collection, supporting contemporary creation, weaving links with the territory and bringing art closer to the public through quality public, educational and accessibility programs.

IN> TRA will be presented in April. Artistic practice as a model of experience, in conjunction with the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona, an exhibition that will focus on the issues surrounding the digital humanities, new materialisms and their impact on art .

Later, in May, the exhibition version of the project Began with Water will be presented by the curator Alexia Medici, who will bring together in one space the creations of the original project designed for the Shortcut digital platform of the Suñol Foundation. With the aim of reflecting on historical memory and contemporary creation, the curator proposed a model of a self-guided route in ten locations in the districts of Sants-Montjuïc and Les Corts.

In the autumn, the Suñol Foundation will collaborate with the Museo de Arte Abstracto Español de Cuenca of the Juan March Foundation in dialogue with the Suñol Soler Collection, contrasting the collecting of two key figures: Fernando Zóbel and Josep Suñol Soler , with contemporary works, in a project that will be curated by Glòria Picazo. This is an exceptional occasion in which an innovative dialogue will be generated between the collections of Zóbel and Suñol and newly created contemporary art projects, understanding collecting as a look at art in continuous revision.

Throughout 2022, the Suñol Foundation will also present the Suñol Soler Collection in different venues in Catalonia (Vilanova i la Geltrú, Caldes d'Estrac and Vilafranca del Penedès) with the exhibition Signs and Writings, and in summer a selection works by the artist Zush will travel to Ibiza to be part of the exhibition that the Museum of Contemporary Art of Ibiza (MACE) will dedicate to the artist.

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