

'MiMa', by Pau Carulla

A new perspective on nature at the University of Vic.

© Pau Carulla
'MiMa', by Pau Carulla
bonart vic - 09/12/24

The photographer Pau Carulla presents 'MiMa', an exhibition that can be seen in the Gothic Hall of the University of Vic thanks to the collaboration of the Fundació Lluís Coromina Isern and bonart cultural .

This proposal invites reflection on the relationship between nature and well-being, highlighting how the natural environment and human existence coexist and are part of the same consciousness. With Pau Carulla's contemporary look at nature, each photograph is a visual bridge to biomimetics, a discipline that takes inspiration from nature to develop innovative solutions to human problems, imitating the processes, structures and strategies that have evolved in the millions of years long. Biomimetics unites fields such as biology, engineering, design and architecture, among others, to create more efficient and environmentally sustainable technologies. Pau Carulla's photographs, with a bird's eye perspective, explore the patterns of nature that inspire these innovations.

The project, conceived as a traveling exhibition, arrives at the University of Vic after passing through the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona . 'MiMa' can be visited until February, maintaining its purpose of questioning from the connection between art and social consciousness.

With this proposal, the Lluís Coromina Foundation and bonart cultural are supporting an initiative that talks about the need to take care of our natural heritage, preserve the landscape and highlight the need to act in the face of environmental challenges.

'MiMa', by Pau Carulla

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