

"Hypothesis of existence. Carles Gabarró" at the Tecla Sala Art Center

"Hypothesis of existence. Carles Gabarró" at the Tecla Sala Art Center
bonart hospitalet de llobregat - 18/05/22

Hypothesis of existence. Carles Gabarró, curated by Albert Mercadé, as part of the Tecla Sala District cycle, presents skulls, beds, stairs and libraries that feed the imagination of the artist Carles Gabarró, one of the most representative painters of the eighties and nineties in Catalonia .

Formed in the Barcelona of the democratic transition, German neo-expressionist painting serves as a springboard to a tragic, metaphorical and existential-based work. In 2015 he moved his studio to Cobalt Street in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, from where he has continued to look for variations on the central themes of his work, from an increasingly essential, synthetic and refined point of view.

With a tendency towards repetition as the engine of serious work, Carles Gabarró is characterized by creating a dirty, fleshy, expressionist work. Repeated motives respond to an interest in knowing something that one can devote one's life to. The paint, superimposed in thick layers, fills the entire canvas and finds pleasure in brutality, dripping and accident. The artist works quickly favoring this leak and this recognizable immediacy in all his works.

The opening of the exhibition will take place at the Tecla Sala Art Center on May 19 at 7 p.m. and can be visited until July 10, 2022.

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