

Concrete mixer-Stomach, action by Antoni Miralda within the festival Llum Bcn 2022

Concrete mixer-Stomach, action by Antoni Miralda within the festival Llum Bcn 2022
bonart barcelona - 04/02/22

Food Cultura i Llum Bcn 2022, in collaboration with the Sorigué and the Sorigué Foundation, invite everyone on February 4 at 7.30 pm. to an action by Antoni Miralda that will take place in the streets of Poblenou (Barcelona). A concrete mixer transformed into a large stomach, a metaphor for a neighborhood in full metamorphosis, will parade with a procession of motorcycles and concrete blocks.

The departure will take place at 7.30 pm. from Carrer Pere IV, 115 and the end of the route will be at Carrer Joan d'Àustria, 88. At the end of the route, there will be a tasting-offering at the concrete mixer celebrating La Candelera. The organization asks that the attendees bring light.

On the 5th and 6th of February, the Concigonera-Estòmac will be installed at 155 Pere IV Street and can be visited at the Festival Llum Bcn 2022.

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